First fruits gifts


Proverbs 3:10 ‘Honor God with everything you own, give him the first and the best’

The end of a year and the beginning of a new one are always a great time to reflect and give back. In the Old Testament there was the practice of first fruits where you would give to God the first and best of your harvest. It was a way of reflecting back to God with a thank you. It put into perspective the reality that everything was a gift and to also not allow the temptation to keep for themselves or hold back. As we end another year of ministry and look forward to a new year I want to encourage us to give our first and best to God. The practice here has been to have a 13th month offering where we sort of catch up and end the year well. This year we are going to shift the language a little and call it a ‘first fruits’ offering which is in a similar vein but instead of catching up we are going to give ourselves a healthy push to start the new year well. 

Most of you know the needs here at GPS and without your gifts we aren’t able to have the reach and impact that we do. We together make it possible to spread the powerful resurrection story of Jesus out to our community and world. As we end the year and begin a new one your ‘first fruits’ gifts will help in so many ways. No gift is too small and all of them are significant. So as you spend some time reflecting on what you could offer; thank you. We will have special ‘first fruit’ giving envelopes available to put your gift in as we end this year and begin the new year (starting Sunday December 15). I can’t believe it has already been 6 months that my family has been here with all of you. Thank you for these first 6 months and we look forward to all that God has for us in the coming years. 

Celebrating in the story, 

Pastor Brandon Nelson